Contact Us

The team here are always striving to make improvements and to that end we would love to hear your feedback about us. We currently offer the following means for you to get in touch with us.


You can reach out to us via our twitter channel @radixlogical. It's the best place for updates about the server


You can also find us about on the official Radix Discord Server. Look out for user #Katan-LogicalMoon or #Rory-LogicalMoon from our team and please make sure to say "hi"


We've are also registered with RadixTalk also. As an enduring forum for all Radix DLT related chat. It's a great resource to look at and learn about Radix. Our user is radixlogicalmoon.


Last but not least we are also in the Official Radix DLT telegram channel. Look out for @RadixLogicalMoon_Katan

Last updated